• How can I book a courier through First Flight Couriers?
  • You can book a courier through First Flight Couriers by visiting their website or mobile app, selecting the type of courier service you need, and providing the necessary details.
  • How can I track my courier through First Flight Couriers?
  • You can track your courier by visiting the First Flight Couriers website and entering your tracking number in the tracking box on the homepage. You can also track your courier through the First Flight Couriers mobile app.
  • What are the delivery options available through First Flight Couriers?
  • First Flight Couriers offers a variety of delivery options, including same-day delivery, next-day delivery, and standard delivery.
  • What is the maximum weight limit for a courier through First Flight Couriers?
  • The maximum weight limit for a courier through First Flight Couriers varies depending on the service you choose. Please check the First Flight Couriers website or contact customer service for more information.
  • What is the estimated delivery time for domestic and international couriers?
  • The estimated delivery time for domestic and international couriers varies depending on the destination and the service you choose. Please check the First Flight Couriers website or contact customer service for more information.
  • How can I contact First Flight Couriers customer service?
  • You can contact First Flight Couriers customer service by visiting their website and clicking on the “Contact Us” link. You can also contact customer service through the First Flight Couriers mobile app or by phone.
  • Does First Flight Couriers offer pickup services?
  • Yes, First Flight Couriers offers pickup services from your location. You can schedule a pickup by visiting the First Flight Couriers website or contacting customer service.
  • What are the payment options available for First Flight Couriers?
  • First Flight Couriers accepts a variety of payment options, including online payment through debit card, credit card, net banking, and cash on pickup/delivery for select services.
  • Can I change the delivery address for my courier after it has been dispatched?
  • It may be possible to change the delivery address for your courier after it has been dispatched, but it depends on the courier’s status and the service you have chosen. Please contact First Flight Couriers customer service as soon as possible to inquire about changing the delivery address.
  • Is it possible to cancel a courier booking?
  • Yes, it is possible to cancel a courier booking with First Flight Couriers. However, cancellation policies may vary depending on the service you have chosen. Please check the First Flight Couriers website or contact customer service for more information.
  • Does First Flight Couriers offer insurance for couriers?
  • Yes, First Flight Couriers offers insurance for couriers at an additional cost. Insurance coverage varies depending on the value of the courier and the service you have chosen.
  • What documents are required to send a courier through First Flight Couriers?
  • The documents required to send a courier through First Flight Couriers vary depending on the service and the destination. Generally, you will need to provide a valid ID proof and the address of the sender and receiver. Please check the First Flight Couriers website or contact customer service for more information.
  • What are the dimensions restrictions for a courier through First Flight Couriers?
  • The dimensions restrictions for a courier through First Flight Couriers vary depending on the service and the destination.
  • How can I make a complaint about First Flight Couriers’ services?
  • You can make a complaint about First Flight Couriers’ services by visiting their website and clicking on the “Complaints” link. You can also contact customer service through the First Flight Couriers mobile app or by phone to make a complaint.
  • What is the process for claiming insurance on a lost or damaged courier?
  • To claim insurance on a lost or damaged courier, you should inform First Flight Couriers customer service as soon as possible. You will need to provide all the necessary details and documents to file a claim, and a representative will guide you through the process.
  • How can I check the current status of my complaint?
  • You can check the current status of your complaint by visiting the First Flight Couriers website and clicking on the “Complaints” link. You will need to provide your complaint number to check the status.
  • Does First Flight Couriers offer bulk shipment services?
  • Yes, First Flight Couriers offers bulk shipment services for businesses and individuals who need to send multiple couriers. You can contact customer service to inquire about bulk shipment services.
  • How does First Flight Couriers ensure the safety and security of my courier?
  • First Flight Couriers uses a variety of measures to ensure the safety and security of your courier, including tracking, barcoding, and tamper-proof packaging. They also have a strict security policy in place and conduct regular checks to prevent loss or damage to your courier.